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Planet LoveMore

Hello and welcome to the Planet LoveMore Blog!

I am so pleased to have this forum to share a multitude of thoughts, opinions, stories, and whatever else we can think of. The main focus here is going to about how we can learn to Love More!

It is my belief that Love is the greatest tool that living beings possess. We can harness this incredible power to create a brighter existence for ourselves and for all around us. It is not necessary to see Love as something mystical, though it may very well be. Who really knows for sure? There are certainly logical ways to explain how and why love is able to make all of our lives better. At the same time just having faith that it does for whatever reason is perfectly fine! The important thing is understanding the many ways we can use Love to make all our lives better. I think it's safe to say that Love when truly understood and shared with true intent can really go a long way to making life happier and healthier for everyone. It is our hope that through sharing all of our thoughts about love we can help each other LoveMore all the time!

From time to time our guest bloggers and I will offer insights about the world around us and present some thoughts about how each of us can learn to make the world a more loving, caring place. Sometimes it may be about learning to see the world in perhaps a way than we have before. Perhaps some guidance on how to handle normal life situations in a more loving way for ourselves and for the people around us. Could be almost anything. Just tune in and find out! And by all means please join the conversation. In fact if you'd like to contribute to Planet LoveMore don't hesitate to contact us! We would be so happy to hear from you!

If you like what is going on here at Planet LoveMore we encourage you to share us with everybody you know! And don't forget to visit our Store!

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