Communication, Communication, Communication!
In the world of Real Estate you will often hear people say it's all about Location! Location! Location! Well, in the world of love it is all about Communication! Communication! Communication!
It is safe to say that within most people there is a plethora of love to be shared. I can see a few of you out there shaking your head already thinking of people you know or have known in your life that seem to have no love at all to share with the world. Am I right? Well lets try to figure out if you are right or not.
Think of some of the most loving people that you know. How do you know that they are loving people? There are probably quite a few answers to that question and I'd love to hear them in the comments section. But the answer I'm looking for is because they express love all the time. The people you know to be super high octane lovers COMMUNICATE their love as often as they can. So if we all are so loving why don't we all do that? Another great question with a ton of answers. The first thing that comes to my mind is love is something special and sacred. You know what? I think people who think this are right! It is special and it is sacred. And the most important things to share in this world are the things that are special and sacred!
I think that people hear the word Love and have very different feelings attached to it. For some the word Love is super special and very exclusive. For these types of people it's only proper to use that word for a spouse, a child, a family member, and maybe a really close friend. To people with this perspective Love doesn't seem to have a lot of layers. Personally, I don't see it that way. Love has so many layers! Even more than an onion!
When we limit Love to only its absolute highest form we are missing out on a lot of love. More importantly we are missing the opportunity to share more love and people who may need that love are missing out too. What are some other reasons people don't communicate their love?
Another reason I've observed is it makes someone vulnerable. Vulnerability is something a lot of people fear. And why not? Vulnerable is defined as "capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt". Who wants to be wounded or hurt? Generally speaking, not me! But I'm here to tell you that opening up yourself to being vulnerable in certain ways, especially in matters of love, is a good thing. Oh, there will definitely be some wounds along your love journeys but the rewards will heal those wounds and make you stronger in every way. Being vulnerable when it comes to loving will eventually lead to a strong sense of belonging and an increase in self worth. Why? Because when you communicate your love freely others feel free to communicate their love back to you. It is not guaranteed that any one person in particular will communicate their love for you but loving isn't about what you get anyway, it is about what you give. And the giving inherently leads to the getting. So when you allow yourself the kind of vulnerability that comes from communicating love openly you will find strength in the act of giving that will overpower the hurt if or when it happens. Your love will be returned to you like echoes in a big valley.
And you know what? Being vulnerable empowers you to feel beautiful. Acceptance of who you are and what you feel is incredibly empowering! Your connection to others will feel more authentic. You will be expressing who you really are instead of who you think you are supposed to be. Be vulnerable. It pays!
There are many other reasons why people don't communicate love but the point of all of this is that we should communicate love more openly more often! It may not be in everybody's comfort zone to love everyone but certainly there are people you love that you are not communicating it to. I suggest you all give it a try. Look someone in the eye who you might never have told before, someone who you admire, and tell them you love them. Give some reasons why you love them. See how they react. Be sure to communicate what you are really feeling. If it isn't romantic love than say so! "hey man, I love you! I mean, not romantically or anything but you are super awesome and I really enjoy hearing what you have to say and spending time with you. Hug it out?" I'm not going to say every time the result will be perfect but I am saying that more often then not you are going to be making someones day better. And you know what? Chances are that person will remember that feeling and pass it on to others. Hey you can even communicate that to them!
All our lives we are told that we should follow good examples and lead by example ourselves. Well filling the world with more love, more joy, more raw goodness is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves and for each other. Communicating love is the place to start. Remember those super high octane lover folks we talked about? I suggest watching how they are communicating and trying to find some of the methods they use that you might be comfortable with. Then start communicating love in that way. My guess is the results are going to be pretty good and you may find that you become more comfortable with the concept of communicating love more openly. It is what happened to me and I'm pretty sure I'm one of those high octane lover folks. And happy to be one!
I'm super excited to have a conversation about this so please give me your thoughts on communicating love. How we can do it more? What are some pitfalls that we have to be careful of? What are some methods of communicating? I'd love to include your thoughts on this subject in an upcoming blog entry. So comment below, email us, or visit our facebook page!